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Days in the University of Iceland: Job Interviews, Studying, Ballet and finally talking about it...
Days in the University of Iceland: Exams, Essays, Finally coming clean and Getting my life together
Busy Days in the University of Iceland: Studying, doing an Exam and starting my thesis
Days in the University of Iceland: Snow days, getting my life together and a vision board for 2023
Days in the University of Iceland: First week of classes, studying and starting ballet classes
Snowy Days in the University of Iceland: Learning Icelandic and going to a pool while it's -15ºC
Days in the University of Iceland: Studying, going to the gym and the winter is here
Life in Iceland: I got a job!! Winter blues and studying for exams
Life in Iceland: Exams, studying at a cafe and going on walks to enjoy the fall weather
How to Study Abroad in Iceland
The truth about living in Iceland: dealing with the lack of sunlight, being homesick and Xmas time
Working in ICELAND